The Do the Work! Workshop is an innovative, new anti-racism workshop that is taking our nation by storm. 

The Do the Work! Workshop is an innovative, new anti-racism workshop that is taking our nation by storm. 
With a bold, innovative approach, this workshop challenges the status quo and pushes the boundaries on anti-racism work.

Before we begin embrace your woeful ignorance and take a moment to acknowledge whose land you illegally possess.

Hello, colonizer.

Before we begin embrace your woeful ignorance 
and take a moment to acknowledge whose land
 you illegally possess.

According to the illustrious Robin DiAngelo, 
many black people have suffered the awkwardness 

of white people over-smiling.

If you are guilty of over-smiling we invite you 
to take our two hour intensive course 
at a theatre near you.

The time to heal is now, and also now.

Do you over smile?

Begin the Journey

According to the illustrious Robin DiAngelo, 
many black people have suffered the awkwardness

 of white people over-smiling.

If you are guilty of over-smiling we invite you 
to take our two hour intensive course 
at a theatre near you.

The time to heal is now, and also now.

Begin the Journey

It's time to confront your friends and family 
about their racism - especially your uncle.

Do the Work! at home.

*begin reparations

Buy Now*

A common misconception about racism is believing that one either is or isn't racist. 
However, racism is non-binary. Think of it as a scale from zero to ten.
How racist were you last night when you crossed the street to avoid a black man?

You are racist.* But how racist are you?

*Black people cannot be racist

You are racist.* 
But how racist are you?

A common misconception about racism
 is believing that one either is or isn't racist. 
However, racism is non-binary. 
Think of it as a scale from zero to ten.
How racist were you last night when you crossed the street to avoid a black man?

Image Hover Effect
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Many of the items that you use on a daily basis have a disgraced history of oppression. 
Some of these items you will need to purchase in order to fully understand their racist implications. 
You may even need to purchase them for your family members or neighbors.

Racist relics of colonialism, and you.

Purchase Racist Relics to Understand

Many of the items that you use on a daily basis 
have a disgraced history of oppression. 
Some of these items you will need to purchase
 in order to fully understand their racist implications.
You may even need to purchase them for your 
family members or neighbors.

Purchase Racist Relics to Understand

Determine if self-flagellation is right for you.*


*Do the Work! Workshop is not responsible for injuries

Determine if self-flagellation 
is right for you.*

*Do the Work! Workshop 
is not responsible for injuries

So, you’ve never said the “N” word.
That’s good, but far from enough.

Saying nothing is called
white silence. You don’t
want to be caught with
your mouth closed.

Hearing racism is also
a form of racism.

Do not remain silent,
join a Do the Work! Workshop today.

White silence.

Save Your Seat

So, you’ve never said the “N” word.
That’s good, but far from enough.

Saying nothing is called white silence. 
You don’t want to be caught with
your mouth closed.

Hearing racism is also
a form of racism.

Do not remain silent,
join a Do the Work! Workshop today.